International Dramaturgy Lab 2020-2020
IDL group Constellations exploring Gather as a collaborative space.
The International Dramaturgy Lab, was a collaboration between the Dramaturgs’ Network, LMDA US, CANADA and MEXICO, The Fence, Danish and Norweigan Dramaturgs' Networks, and STOD Finland.
As the lead artist and facilitator with fantastic support from my colleagues in the steering group, I led the overall project as well as participated in one of the groups.
The IDL was an innovative pilot project, created for the partner organisations members to innovate and explore meaning-making and collaboration in digitally-based initiatives across borders. It is a unique professional development program for dramaturgs around the globe.
The International Dramaturgy Lab facilitated 14 small teams of over 80 dramaturgs and theatre makers to explore, discuss, make and share dramaturgical thinking around the central question: What does it mean to work dramaturgically across borders?
Over nine months enriching conversations embracing the differences and potential challenges in dramaturgy from different regions and cultures took place online. Peers exchanged experiences, explored online tools for collaboration and translation. The project highlighted diverse skills, multiple languages, and unique theatrical vocabularies.
The IDL culminated at the LMDA annual conference in June 2021 which took place online and in person in Mexico City.
The IDL groups created extraordinary resources of dramaturgical insights, ambitions and creative enquiry that you can explore on the LMDA website: IDL outputs
Stay tuned for further IDL initiatives in the future.