Session 2
Mental Imagery
Creative Writing
Welcome to session two.
In this session we will focus on mental imagery and how to evoke the detail of it.
I am also introducing some creative writing exercises. The writing will help you with the mental imagery as well as being an enjoyable and creative thing to do.
As in the first session, you will need a set of headphone and to sit comfortably and upright in a chair.
This session contains
2 video
4 audios
3 Creative writing exercises
1 form to share your writing and with some question on the session.
In addition, please note that you may get notifications on the audios and videos that they can't be scanned. This has got to do with the size of the linked audios. They are all safe.
Don't forget that if you want to talk with me and do a zoom session online around these exercises I would love to hear from you.
Please start by watching the Welcome video which introduce the focus of this session.
For those of you who want to find out more, here is an article from Parkinson's Foundation
I can also direct you toward more of the medical research if you have an interest in that.
Mental Imagery
Audio 1 - Basic Exercise
The exercise in this audio is based on the kind of exercises that are conducted within some of the medical research, just to give you a feel for that. I have added a bit of soothing music to it.
You may get a message that the link can not be virus screened. That is just because the file is larger than they can screen, but I promise you that the links are ok.
The audio is 8 minutes long
Video - First person perspective
This is a short video using visuals to illustrate what I mean by creating the mental imagery from a 1st person perspective.
The video is about 4 minutes long.
Audio 2 - Memory of a room
Get your headphones and make yourself comfortable in a chair.
In this audio we will recreate a room you know well from memory.
In the exercise, I am also asking you to engage with the sense of space and where you are in the space, moving around it, touching objects and looking around.
This audio is just under 10 minutes long.
Audio 3 - Sensory detail
In this audio we shall focus on sensory detail. If you have a lemon handy your can start by holding it on your hand and feel the texture of it. Or just look at the images below to remind yourself of what a lemon feel like to the touch, its weight, its shape, smell and taste.
For the audio, it is best to listen with the headphones.
The audio is just over 5 minutes long.
Sensory lemony
Creative Writing
Writing Exercises
There are three sets of creative writing exercises that you can do if you feel that this helps you with your imagination and building up the mental imagery. You are welcome to share what you write but there is no need to in this session.
The process of creative writing involves careful observation, exploring detail, finding the right expressions and combination of words to convey an experience. It's a great exercise for the mind.
If you want to share your creative writing exercises you can either use the form at the end of the newsletter or email me at
Pick out and object that you can see near you. Write its name at the top of the page.
Write a list of words, actions and associations that come to you. What it is, what it reminds you of, any memories associated to it and what it makes you feel. Don't think about it too much.
Then write a list of sensory information about the object - what it feels like to the touch, different textures, weight and shape, colours, smells and maybe even tastes.
Take your time to find the right words or combinations of words to describe the details of it.
Now write a short paragraph combining the descriptions and your associations of the object that might share with a reader the object and your relationship with it.
You can do this with as many objects as you like.
WRITING EXERCISE 2 - A memory of movement and a space.
Write a paragraph describing a memory within which you are moving. It could be as simple as going for a walk or dancing, playing a sport or creating something with your hands.
Describe it from the 1st person perspective including all the senses; a sound, a smell, taste, touch and the feel of objects.
Include how the movement is making you feel and be aware of the space around you and the location you are in.
If you enjoy crafting words, you can also imagine the sounds of the movement and see if you can find words that capture the sounds and any rhythms of the movement.
WRITING EXERCISE 3 - Changing perspective and point of view
Describe a moment in your everyday life from 1st person perspective, that is, what it looks and feel like from your own point of view.
And then the same moment from 3rd person perspective, that is, as if you are observing yourself from the outside.
The moment can be as simple as making a cup of tea, putting a coat on or even just watching TV. It is the shift in perspective that is the important part.
3rd Person Perspective
Hand Exercises
As I mentioned in the welcome video, we learn new movement by watching others. We can explore that by watching this video of hand exercises for Parkinson's that were presented in the Parkinsons News Today.
Here is a link to the article - Hand Exercises for Parkinson's
The first few times you do the exercises, its useful to watch the video and hear the instructions.
However, after a few times, you can start to focus on exactly how it feels to do the exercises, and to start to notice the details of how the muscles move and stretch, how it feels in the rest of the arms, shoulders and body.
Then you can listen to the sound only of the video and start to focus on creating your own 1st person perspective imagery of the same movements whilst doing them.
Finally you can try the version of doing the exercises in your minds eye only.
Audio 4 - Changing perspective
In the final audio exercise we are going to play around with Point of view and perspective.
Just to start to stretch ourselves. In this audio, there are three exercises:
focus on movement and how your perspective constantly change and you move.
Adding someone else into your exercise and working with what's your percieve in the peripheral field of vision as well as clearly ahead of you.
Finally we shall move from within the 1st person perspective and out of the body to see yourself walking from the outside and then to return again.
These exercises are all about exploring whole range of perceptions when we change perspective. It's not only about imagery and visuals but also about the hearing, the feeling of where we are in space (propriocpetion). It's about using your imagination as a canvas to create on or within.
This audio is 4 minutes long
Session 2 Questionnaire
And finally, here is the questionnaire for this session with a few questions and room to share your writings if you feel like doing that.
Please follow the link to the Session 2 Questionnaire